hm. start from this januari 2011...
i get this one thing to do some big one change for my life... (!)
and i get this one thing is from the previous years. its called 2010...
yeah. i get this from many happening in 2010...
its make me feel must be stronger...
make me to thing harder. harder than previous...
and the most important is for my self... my future... my 2011
this is some big thing for my fucking resolution in 2011...
- starting close to ALLAH
- must be find a word "LULUS" @uan soon
- RFTD and my new band KNELL can be so fucking cool
- be the best for people who care about me... who love me so much... i WILL be the best for her
maybe this is my chance for my future... :)
thx for 2010...
I COME 2011 (!)